Group Tour

The Heritage Center will be glad to provide a tour for your church group, civic club, or social club. 

  • Guided group tours are provided free of charge for groups of 10 people or more.
  • Please reserve your tour time as early as possible to ensure we will have a docent available for your tour.
  • Self-guided groups are welcome during standard hours of operation and do not have to be scheduled in advance; however, prior notice would be appreciated.

To schedule a tour, please email or call 205-265-2023 with the following information: 

  1. Preferred date and time of your tour
  2. Contact name, email address, and cell telephone number
  3. Name of your group
  4. Number of people in your group
  5. Approximate age range of your group members


Barbara Brown Medders
Coordinator, Bankhead House & Heritage Center


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