The Heritage Council is comprised of local citizens who advise and assist in the development of the Heritage Center and its grounds. Formed in the beginning stages of the renovation of the Bankhead home, the council assisted in every aspect of renovation. 

The Council has evolved to serve as consultants, advocates and stewards of the Bankhead House, its purpose and mission. They understand and value its importance to our community and historical significance. They each give of their time and talent to assist in enhancing the Heritage Center and each aspect of our guest’s experience. 

Brenda Beard

Eddie Brown

Linda Lewis

Pat Morrison

Pat Nelson

Wade O'Mary

Jackie Parker

Rusty Richardson

Kevin Callahan
WACF Board of Directors

Abbie Drummond
WACF Board of Directors

Let's Start a Conversation


Mimi Hudson
Executive Director, Bankhead House & Heritage Center



Barbara Brown Medders
Coordinator, Bankhead House & Heritage Center